I've included a bit of themanroom.com's look at Madden 07 at E3 below. One thing to bear in mind is that these are very early builds of the games. I have to wonder if the guys from themanroom.com have ever been to E3 before. They seemed really surprised at the early builds.
Like many others, they are beating up the PS3 version of the game. Well at E3 last year, all we had for Madden 360 was some player models to look at.
PS3 already has full 11 on 11 game play. It should be on par with 360 by August and they still will have more time to get stuff done before the November release. The producers for the game stated that the PS3 version would be everything you see in Madden 07 for the 360 PLUS some more. That is encouraging!
In any event, here is the article:
If the E3 2006 demo for Madden NFL 07 for the Xbox 360 was rough, then the Playstation 3 version was non-existent. It was obvious that the demo was quickly thrown together just so something, anything, was playable at E3. The developer stated that the Xbox 360 version was almost 60% complete while it's PS3 counterpart was closer to 30. The graphics and player control were obviously rushed versions and the developer was quick to point that out as well. The screenshots on the right do not look anything close to what was shown at E3, a good guess would be that they were polished up a bit.
When questioned about the different play features that would be included in the PS3 version the same answer was given each time... "We're not allowed to talk about it." Hmmmm, not very promising. Could we be looking at the Playstation equivalent of the bare-bones Madden 06 debut on the Xbox 360? Based on the lack of answers, a good guess would be yes.
Click here for the full article
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