by VG Staff Writer - Lbzrule
On offense I believe in being very simple. I run a base offense that is composed of 20 plays. The passing game for my offense is built off of the 14 base pass patterns in the base offense. I'm going to run a Mesh and Shallow crossing scheme. When and IF the defense adjusts to it that's when, I'll move to the remainder of my offense that builds off of the base. With the mesh and the crossing concept it doesn't matter what he runs, the QB always has a primary and secondary read. We rarely if ever get to the third read, most times we do not need to. With the Mesh and Shallow Cross, I apply a Hi-Lo philosophy. This is why we rarely need to check down to the third read. Hi-Lo can pick apart both man and zone. Let's say my slot guy is shallow In route and my FL on the same side is running a deep In route. Against Man we hit the shallow WR as alot of picks and rubs will happen in there as the linebackers attempt to clear the area. He should get some seperation against the defender. Against zone I'm just going to read the OLB, if he jumps on the shallow WR, I'm going to hit the deep In, if he drops back on the deep in, I'm going to hit the shallow IN. Works like a charm
Of course I'm running this to set up an explosive play. Once I see a player attempting to account for it manually, then I'm going to set him up with the FL running a post corner. When the FL makes the move in most times the other player thinks it is the same deep In route, so he jumps on it. Then the FL hits the Corner and finds the football
Back to simplicity. The offensive philosophy here is adaptable to any front and coverage. It's adaptable to 7 man, 8 man, all kinds of blitzes. In the end he can do whatever he wants. I'm dictating to him and until he catches up with me, too bad Also if I have gotten in a few explosive plays and I see him back the corners off, I'll just throw the quick screen Made some big plays off of this.
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